@ 2024
Effectiveness of Statistical Evaluation on Fuzzers #Paper
Topics not chosen.
Die analysis and Reverse engineering on Modern Chip
Moved as Side-project for senior year project.
Ways to Bench✅ Fuzzers #Talk
This talk was my first conference talk what i have done in-person and in major security conference.
This talk was presented @AlligatorCon Krakow 2024.
@ 2023
Internet Threats, CyberSecurity #Talk
Navigating Threats in an Interconnected World
This talk was about APT (Advanced Persistent Threat), and about the freedom of civilians and government resilence.
This talk was exclusively presented to International High-School of Wroclaw (IHSW), Diploma Year 2, AP Geography during the unit of Advanced technology - Computer Security.
CET Internals #Talk
Basic Introduction of Intel’s modern security mitigation on their newest CPU chips.
This talk was about the under-the-hood of Intel’s modern security mitigation, CET (Contrl-Flow Enforcement Technology).
This talk was exclusively presented in the underground Discord server known as, The “Public” Land, to teach members how does this mitigation works, and also giving oppertunity to have “Workshop-based” learning approach by exploring themselves how to bypass CET using WinDbg.
@ 2022
The Dangers of Hacking #Talk
This talk was about Basics of Hacking and Cyber Security to teach students range from 13 ~ 14 years old. This gave them an oppertunity to explore different concepts on security, and gave them an oppertunity to have an Q&A-type talk with the presenter (0xMard).
This talk was exclusively presented in Wroclaw International School (WIS) Middle Year Programme (MYP).